কোর্স এ যা যা শিখবেন তা দেখতে নিচের বাটনে ক্লিক করুন
Using the Welcome Screen
Introducing Vector Graphics
Introducing Illustrtor Interface, Toolbar and setting New Document
Zooming and Panning
Basic Shapes Creation
Selection Basics
Understanding Anchor Points
Understanding Fill and Stroke Color
Undo, Redo, Grid and Guide
Introducing Object Transformations (Selection and Transform Panel)
Duplicating Objects (Paste in front+Back+Place+on all art boards)
Understanding Group, Lock and Hide
Projects: Text effects by using copy – paste
Transform again
Moving objects Details by covering keyboard increament
Understanding Offset Path
Saving in Native Format and Export in JPEG
Home Task : Cartoon Character and Flat illustration by using basic shapes
Scale, Rotate and Reflect
Rotate Multiple Objects
Advanced Rotating Options
Color Palette,
Gradient and Swatch Color
Introducing Gradient and applying in to the object
Understanding Importance of Swatch Color
Creating and Saving New Swatches including gradient swatches
Creating Pattern
Object Arrange and Aligning
Home Task : Robi Logo, Google Chrome Logo, Wall Clock
Understanding the power of Pen Tool
Drawing with the Pen Tool
Understanding Open and Close Path
Curvature Tool,
Text Tool,
Line Segment Tool,
Shape Tool, Shaper Tool,
Eraser Tool,
Home Task Play the Bezier Game and Screen Shot to the group Create
path for the Letter A-Z
Overview of Stroke and Stroke Palette
Understand the operation of Stroke Cap, Join, Dash and Gap
Projects: Film Strip by using Stroke
Project 01: Raster to Vector
Home Task : Raster to Vector work (any illustration/image/line art- min 5)
Bangladesh Map and Film Reel
Understanding Type Tool
Character and Paragraph Palette
Importing text from word
Text Wrap
Working with Images
Placing images and other artwork into illustrator
Choosing whether to link or embed images
Clipping Mask
Using opacity and blend mode
Home Task : BD Govt. Logo, Circle Logo, Custom Letter, Magazine Pages
Understanding Blending Options
Creating Blends between two shapes
Changing the shape of customized Blends
Effects and Appearance Panel
Using effects and appearance
Applying Effects
Creating and Using Graphic Styles
Live Trace
Reviewing files for live trace
Using the live trace tool
Reviewing Trace settings
Introduing Symbols
Accessing Symbol Iibraries
Creating Symbol
3D Effects
Introduction to 3D Space and 3D Effects
Applying and adjusting the Extrude and Bevel Effect
Mapping the Artwork on to the extruded object
Applying and adjusting the revolve Effect
Home Task : Learn Mesh from Online Wine Glass (1), Bottole (1), 3D
Object (5), 3D Film Reel (1), 3D Logo (1)
Layout for Business Card
Create a simple logo using basic shapes and pathfinder. Make a Business
card with this logo.
Instruction provided by the Mentor.
Home Task : Copying at least 20 Business cards.
Importance of color
Techniques of Coloring
Introducing Pentone Color
Understanding Color Psychology
Primary, Secondary,
Taritiary Color
Understanding Hue, Saturation, Value and Shade, Tint, Tone
Color Formulas
Understanding Concept Development Process
Home Task : Color studies (color wheel and nature color palette) and make
concpets for 5 common events.
Business Card (Ref. from previous Class)
Invoice Template Design (Do it in to the class)
Letterhead Design (Make it from the invoice)
Envelope Design (Make the Layout)
ID Card Design (Discuss)
Home Task : Stationary Design for minimum 5 companies
Discussing about Design Fundamentals of an Advertisement
Facebook Page Review
YouTube Channel Subscribe
Home Task : Making an Advertisement Analysis Report and Trace Paper
Advertisement (Min 10)
Flyer Design
Home Task : Copy Flyer and Brochure from GraphicRiver (Min 10) and at
least 1 from own concept
Brochure Layout (Bi-Fold, Tri-Fold or anything)
Understanding the marketplaces
Browse Contest
How to Attend in Contest
Select Contest
Describe Design Brief
Designing for Success
Submit your Entry
Video Lesson
Create Account, Profile Update and Portfolio Attach
Home Task : Create Account, Update Profile, Tracing will continue, Attend
Contest. Attend Minimum 3 Contests and submit your link Facebook Group.
Understanding the Logo
Types of Logo • Logo Colors
Logo Design Process
Case Studies Home Task
Completing logo with sketch.
Copying the logo at least 50 from marketplaces.
Golden Ratio
Practice Logo with Golden Ratio Home Task
Practice Logo with Golden Ratio.
Attending logo contest in Freelancer.com
Desk and Wall Calendar Design
Understanding Tabs Project 08: Marketing Material Design
Food Menu Design Home Task
Desk Calendar Design (Min 5 Concepts and 1 complete Design) • Wall
Calendar Design (Min 5 Concepts and 1 complete Design)
Product Packaging and Label Design Home Task
Min 10 Label Design
Min 5 Packaging Desig
Importance of Typography
Introducing font and font-family or fonfaces
Rulesto follow
Typographic hierarchy
Font pairing
Introducing Brush tool and Brush dialogue box
Default Art Brushes and Editing Art Brushes Strokes
Making Custom Brush
Converting text to art brush Project 09: Stationary Design
Resume and Coverletter Design
Certificate Template Design
home Task • Copy Resume and Coverletter from Graphicriver (Min 5)
Make your own Resume with Coverletter.
Design at least 5 Certificate Template
T-Shirt Design
Mug Design
Pillow Cover Design Home Task T-Shirt and Mug Design (Min 05)
Understanding the main theme of Microstock
Importance of Passive Income
Create Account
Become a Contributor
Update your Pro-le
Product Packaging and Label Design Home Task
Min 10 Label Design
Min 5 Packaging Desig
Introduction to course,
PC Config,
Software Details,
New Doc,
Artboards in Adobe Photoshop,
Menu Bar,
Tools Sub Menu Bar,
Zoom in /out,
Screen mood & Document save
Move Tool, Layer, (Group, Lock, Copy)
Selections Tools,
Lasso Tools,
Object & Quick Selections Tools,
Magic Wand Tool,
Align, Clipping Musk.
Crop Tool,
Image Size,
Canvas Size,
Spot Healing Brush Tool,
Healing Brush Tool,
Patch Tool,
Content Aware Move Tool,
Red Eye Tool,
Eyedropper Tool,
Layer musk
Transform in photoshop,
Frame Tool,
Brush Tools,
Eraser Tools,
Clone Stamp Tool,
Pattern Stamp Tool,
History Brush Tool,
Art History Brush Tool
Sharpen & Smudge Tools,
Burn & Sponge Tools,
Pen Tools,
Path & Shape Mode,
Path Selection
Direct Selection Tool
Shape Tools,
Gradient Tool,
Paint Bucket Tool,
Type Tools,
Blend Option
Exam Of Adobe Photoshop & Revisions
Business Card Design
Types of Business Card Design
Design Reviews and Problem solve
Social Media Post Design
Wall Calendar,
Desk Calender Design
Flyer Design
Letterhead,Invoice Design
Indesign, XD, Powerpoint
কোর্স এর মেয়াদ ৪ মাস ১৫ দিন ।
ভর্তির জন্য নিচের ফরম টি পূরণ করুন ভর্তির জন্য আমাদের মোবাইল ব্যাংকিং একাউন্ট এ আপনার কোর্স ফি পরিশোধ করুন।
ক্রিয়েটিভ রেন্ডার আইটি একটি ফ্রিলান্সিং প্রশিক্ষণ কেন্দ্র। এখানে গ্রাফিক্স ডিজাইন এর উপর প্রশিক্ষন দেওয়া হয় । তাই দেরী না করে এখনি ভর্তি হোন আপনার পছন্দের কোর্স এ ।